Based on previous railroad crossing investigations, if you are making annual railroad right-of-way lease payments or paying fees for crossing railroad rights-of-way at public highway crossings, you are probably wasting your money!
Many questions have been raised about who owns the land and who controls the rights when crossing railroad facilities. The railroad industry will likely advise you that they own the right of way and you are required to secure a permit to cross their facilities. Railroad crossing permits at public highway / railroad crossings are not necessarily required and you are probably wasting your money if you are paying for these crossings.
Railroad crossing permit fees are a concern for the utility industry and these railroad crossings fees continue to rise. A right of way does not necessarily and always give the railroads ownership of the land. Please understand that if the railroad does not own the property, the railroads do not own the rights to crossing permit fees. However, due to safety issues, the utility would have to adhere to the railroad standards and notify them of a planned crossing.
Eagle 1 Resources presently has over twenty (20) years of research on railroad property use issues to authenticate these railroad ownership issues (or lack of ownership issues) and assist with the removal of annual crossing fees and/or encroachment fees. Eagle 1 Resources, LLC will provide you with a structured path forward in dealing with existing railroad crossing lease agreements / installations and a guide to address future railroad installations.
Our office can team with you to research and develop a clear path forward to address your railroad crossing concerns. Our goal is to eliminate your annual railroad agreement expense and/or your future railroad crossing expense. Eagle 1 Resources, LLC will provide you with a structured path forward in dealing with proposed railroad crossing lease agreements / installations and a guide to address your future railroad installations.
If you need assistance in investigating your proposed railroad crossing agreements / proposed installations and would like to seek reimbursement, we can help you. Please contact our office for additional information in this area. A list of our past successful railroad projects and our references are available for your review upon your request. Feel free to contact them and discuss our previous victories in ending railroad crossing fees.
If you would like to discuss Eagle 1 Resources assisting you in this area, please contact us here.